OEC - Xmas Show - Dressage Indoors - part 1
Indoor dressage till 12.40
OEC - Xmas Show - Dressage Indoors - part 2
OEC - Xmas Show - Dressage Indoors - part 3
To the end of the indoor competitions
OEC - Xmas Show - Showjumping outdoor arena - dec 16
Part 1 of the showjumping
OEC - Xmas Show - Showjumping 2 outdoor arena - dec 16
Second half of the afternoons showjumping
OEC - Xmas Show - Fancy Dress - Dec 16
OEC - Xmas Show - Class 1 outdoor arena - dec 16
OEC - Xmas Show -Outdoor and warm up - dec 16
Photos can be edited to look less foggy
OEC - CLASS 11 - FEI Intermediate- Sept 4th 16
Class 11 and prize giving for classes 10 and 11 which was done together
OEC - Unaff Champs - CLASS 523 outdoor - oct 16
Class 523
OEC - Unaff Champs - CLASS 520 521 Prize Giving - oct 16
Class 521 and 520 and Prize Giving
OEC - Unaff Champs - CLASS 519 outdoor - oct 16
First Class in the outdoor arena - Intro AW
OEC - Unaff Champs - Extra Prize Giving - oct 16
Additional prize giving
OEC - Unaff Champs - CLASS 524 and Prize Giving - oct 16
Second indoor class - prize giving
OEC - Unaff Champs - CLASS 522 and Prize Giving - oct 16
First Class - Indoor Arena and Prize Giving
OEC - CLASS 6 - 10.29-11.22 -Elem W- Sept 2nd 16
OEC - CLASS 6 - 11.47-12.52 -Elem W- Sept 2nd 16
Including Prize Giving
OEC - CLASS 6 - 11.23-11.52 -Elem W- Sept 2nd 16
OEC - Unaff Champs - CLASS 525 outdoor - oct 16
Class 525 - E Test 43 W
OEC - Unaff Champs - CLASS 525 part 2 outdoor - oct 16
OEC - Unaff Champs - Prize Giving from Morning - oct 16
MSFDH - Hickstead - November 2016
OEC - Halloween Show - Dressage 2 - Oct 16
OEC - Halloween Show - SJ to end - oct 16
OEC - Halloween Show - SJ Class 3 - oct 16
OEC - Halloween Show - SJ Class 2 - oct 16
Clear round and Class 2
OEC - Halloween Show - xpoles - oct 16
End of clear round and xpoles jumping
OEC - Halloween Show - Showing Fancy Dress - Oct 16
Some showing classes and fancy dress
OEC - Halloween Show - Dressage 1 - Oct 16
First Dressage Class international Arena
OEC - Unaff Champs - CLASS 527 PG - oct 16
OEC - Unaff Champs - CLASS 526 PG - oct 16
Class 526 M test 61W and Prize Giving
OEC - CLASS 6 - 9.51-10.26 -Elem W- Sept 2nd 16
OEC - CLASS 9 - Advance med - sun Sept 4th 16
Class 9 - Sunday International Arena
OEC - CLASS 11 - FEI Inter PG 10/11- Sept 4th 16
International arena - Sunday 4th Class 11 and Prize Giving 10 and 11 - were done at the same time
Oec - CLASS 3 - Medium 73 16.18-17.02 Thurs 1st Sept
Petplan area festival - Medium 73 - International arena - thurs 1st sept
OEC - CLASS 3 - Medium 73 14.44-15.58 Thurs 1st Sept
OEC - CLASS 3 - Medium 73 13.21- 14.34 Thurs 1st Sept
Petplan Equine Area Festival 2016 - CLASS 3
Timings 13.21- 14.34
OEC - CLASS 3 - Medium 73 16.58 to END - Thurs 1st Sept
To the end of the class and Prize Giving for CLASS 3
OEC - CLASS 2 - 10-end - prizegiving - Med 73 - sept 16
Class 2 - International Arena - Petplan Area Festival - Medium 73 and Prize Giving - Friday 2nd September 2016
OEC - CLASS 1 - Prelim W - 12.03 - End - Prize Giving - Sept 16
Second part of Class 1 - Petplan Area Festival - Lakeside Arena
Including prize giving
OEC -CLASS 1 - 10am - 12.01 - prelim W - Lake Arena - sep 16
Thursday Sept 1st - CLASS 1 - Petplan Area Festival Lake Arena
Emma and Tatty - July 16
Roz Immy 2 - june 16
Jennys 50th birthday - June 16
St Mortiz World Polo - Sunday - Jan 16
St Mortiz World Polo - Saturday - Jan 16
Action from the Cartier World Cup - Saturday
St Mortiz World Polo - Friday - feb 16
OEC - CLASS 5 - Novice W - 10-11.42 - Sept 2nd 16
TImes 10.00-11.42 - Friday Class 5 international Arena -
OEC - CLASS 5 - Novice W - 11.45-13.06 - Sept 2nd 16
OEC - CLASS 5 - Nov W - 13.06 to end prizes - Sept 2nd 16
End of Class 5 including prize giving
OEC - CLASS 4- Novice W Prize Giving - Sept 2nd 16
OEC - CLASS 4- Novice W 12.26-14.36 - Sept 2nd 16
OEC - CLASS 4- Novice W 10.48-12.25 - Sept 2nd 16
OEC - CLASS 4- Novice W 10.00-10.47 - Sept 2nd 16
Class 4 - Lake Arena
OEC - CLASS 10 cam 2 - FEI Prix St G- Sept 4th 16
second camera on class 10
OEC - CLASS 9 - Advance med part 2 - sun Sept 4th 16
Second Half of Class 9 and Prize Giving
OEC - CLASS 10 - FEI Prix St G- Sept 4th 16
OEC - CLASS 8 - Adv Med W - 11.03- End Sept 4th 16
To the end of the class including prize giving
OEC - CLASS 8 - Adv Med W - 10-11.02 Sept 4th 16
Sunday - CLASS 8 - International Arena - and Prize Giving
OEC - CLASS 7 - ElemW 12.06-13.06 - end Prizes Sept 2nd 16
OEC - CLASS 7 - ElemW 13.10 - end Prizes Sept 2nd 16
13.04 - end of Class and Prize Giving
OEC - CLASS 7 - ElemW 11.04-12.03 - Sept 2nd 16
Sat Lake Arena
OEC - CLASS 7 - ElemW 9.00-11.00 - Sept 2nd 16
Class 7 - 9-11 Lake Arena - Saturday
MSFDH Ball - Jan 16
DRAG BALL - Felbridge - Jan 2016